Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is it Summer Yet? Offset Winter Blues with Food.

Are you suffering from the winter blues? If you’ve noticed changes in your appetite, energy levels, and sleep habits, you may have seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The exact cause of SAD is unknown, but may be related to a hormonal imbalance or ambient temperature and light changes.
As with many other health issues, changing your dietary habits can help treat this condition. Increasing your intake of certain nutrients is a great place to start. Production of serotonin – a key signaling molecule in the brain that helps regulate appetite, mood, and sleep – may be increased by boosting your intake of foods rich in vitamin D, folate, and vitamin B12.

Good Sources of Vitamin D: fish with bones, shrimp, milk, fortified soy milk, fortified cereals, whole eggs, mushrooms.
Good Sources of Folate: fortified cereals, chickpeas, lentils, black-eyed peas, soybeans, dark leafy greens, broccoli, red bell peppers
Good Sources of Vitamin B12: Beef, seafood, milk, cheese, yogurt, whole eggs, fortified cereals, fortified soy milk, fortified tofu
Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to be “good mood foods.” Food sources of omega-3 fatty include flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, canola oil, salmon, canned fish, spinach, and kidney beans. You can also find omega-3 fortified cereals, pasta, eggs, and milk.
Have you ever experienced an energy “crash?” Simple carbohydrates (refined starches such as white bread, bagels, donuts, muffins, cookies, candy, and soda) are broken down and released into the bloodstream much faster than complex carbohydrates like those found in fruit and whole grains. The sugars are used up quickly by our cells, which leaves us tired and cranky once the energy is used up. Making sure to include complex carbohydrates like fresh fruit, oatmeal, or 100% whole grain toast at breakfast can help blood sugar levels (and your moods) remain steady. In addition to helping regulate blood sugar levels, eating complex carbohydrates can trigger serotonin release and enhance feelings of calm. Throughout the day, snack on vegetables like carrot and celery sticks, red pepper slices, or cherry tomatoes. Another way to get more complex carbohydrates is to include good sources like beans, brown rice, and sweet potatoes in your meals rather than simple carbohydrates like white dinner rolls or white rice.
Another way to prevent energy highs and lows is to add a dose a protein. Including protein in your meals and snacks helps slow the release of sugars into the blood. In addition, eating protein stimulates release of the “feel-good” neurotransmitter dopamine as well as norepinephrine, which helps keep you alert.
  • Instead of snacking on whole grain crackers, include some low-fat cheese or yogurt.
  • Dip your celery sticks into peanut butter or hummus.
  • Make lettuce roll-ups with a few slices of deli turkey, tomato, and a squeeze of mustard or low-fat dressing.
Apart from what you eat, the way you eat is also important. Going for long stretches of time without eating can sap your energy and worsen your mood.  Give your body the nutrients it needs by eating every 3-4 hours. This can easily be achieved by adding in a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack between meals.
Finally, don’t forget to drink! Staying hydrated is important to ward off fatigue and hunger. Water is the best choice, but you can add a slice of lemon, a packet of low-calorie drink mix, or a splash of fruit juice to give it some flavor.
Don’t let the cold, cloudy days get you down. In just a few weeks of incorporating these changes, you could be feeling great before the sun returns!
Thanks to Leia Kadem, University of Houston Dietetic Intern, is the guest blogger for this article. Let her know if you enjoy the article or have any questions.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shopping Help for Men in Aprons

Men in Aprons is the #2 trend featured as one of the Ten Food Trends for 2011 on the Food Channel. They credit this trend to a gender role reversal due to a slumping economy. With men hitting the supermarket aisles, we decided to focus on Men and Health for the February SUPERMARKET SAVVY Newsletter.

Grocery shopping, slicing and dicing, proper portioning…these are all steps to a healthy diet, but ones that take time and patience, ones that most men find tedious and unfavorable. Research focused on the eating and dieting differences in men and women describe men’s approach to nutrition as uncomplicated and pleasure orientated; one which is straightforward. (Read research)  This creates a challenge.  Of the common concerns which face men – fruit and vegetable consumption, excessive protein intake, prostate cancer, and osteoporosis – changes in diet and preparation methods can play a crucial role. 

According to Palo Alto Medical Foundation (2010), men consume only about four and a half servings of fruits and vegetables a day on average.  Considering four, of the top ten, leading causes of death are directly associated with diet, this is a concern that must be addressed.  The risk for these four conditions – heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes – are thought to decrease with an overall healthy diet; a diet which includes five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables, whole grains,  and minimal amounts of saturated fat and processed foods.  The Palo Alto Medical Foundation (2010) also found that “men are significantly less likely than women to recognize the health benefits of fruits and vegetables.”  Given the previously stated information, it is important that we work toward increasing awareness and interest in fruit and vegetable consumption among the male population.

In our recent newsletter you will find food items targeted toward men and ideal for quick and healthy meal preparation.  One of the feature items includes V8 V-Fusion + Tea, which supplies ¼ cup serving vegetables and ¼ cup serving fruit in an 8 oz serving, adding up to one combined serving of vegetables and fruit.
Read more about Men and Health with Shopping Tips for Men and a review of Margarines and Spreads with a 2 page comparison chart and SUPERMARKET SAVVY Picks for the Healthiest Spreads in the February SUPERMARKET SAVVY Newsletter. Learn More

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy (Healthy) Valentine's Day!

What do dark chocolate, strawberries, red wine, and pomegranates have in common? Your first thought might have been that they’re all aphrodisiacs – appropriate for Valentine’s Day! But did you know that other than helping to win your valentine’s heart, they’re also healthy for your heart?
When you’re sitting down for a romantic dinner, start the meal off with a glass of red wine. According to the Mayo Clinic, resveratrol is a compound in red wine that may lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and prevent both blood vessel damage and blood clots. The alcohol in wine can have similar effects, and may also raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol.  Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is linked with a lower risk of heart disease, but more is not necessarily better. Alcohol should be limited to 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men. For wine, one drink is 4 to 5 ounces.
If you don’t drink alcohol, try pomegranate juice! Pomegranate juice has been shown to have a number of beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. These include improving blood lipids, decreasing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and exerting antioxidant effects.
  • Sip pomegranate juice or a blend of pomegranate and other juices (such as blueberry or grape) – just make sure it’s 100% juice and not a juice cocktail.
  • Use pomegranate juice in a sauce to serve alongside grilled lean protein (such as chicken breast, fish, pork chops, or lean beef). Make sure to have heart-healthy vegetables such as broccoli, red bell pepper, spinach, carrots, or asparagus on the side! Try this recipe for a tasty pomegranate sauce (adapted from “Eating Well Serves Two”):
1. Cook 1 small, finely chopped shallot in a pan over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until fragrant (about 1 minute).
2. Add 1 cup of pomegranate juice and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until reduced by half (1-2 minutes).
3. Meanwhile, mix together ¼ cup reduced-sodium chicken broth and 1 teaspoon of cornstarch in a small bowl until cornstarch dissolves.
4. Add the broth and cornstarch mixture to the pan once the pomegranate juice is reduced. Bring the sauce to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook, stirring constantly, until sauce is thickened (1-2 minutes).
5. Stir in any drippings left from roasting your choice of lean meat, then pour sauce over each serving of meat. 
Don’t forget dessert! According to David Grotto, R.D., L.D.N., strawberries are a superfruit that are heart-healthy for a number of reasons. First, strawberries contain soluble fiber that can prevent dietary cholesterol from being absorbed. Second, strawberries contain folate, which helps maintain proper levels of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is an amino acid that can be harmful to the cardiovascular system when levels are too high. Another reason why strawberries are a delicious and heart-friendly choice is that they are high in potassium, which is needed to keep blood pressure in check. Remember how we mentioned anthocyanins in our last post? They contribute to strawberries’ red color and act as antioxidants. Finally, strawberries contain polyphenols (such as ellagic acid), another potent type of antioxidant that can benefit the cardiovascular system.
Similar to strawberries, chocolate also contains polyphenols. Flavanols are the major type of polyphenols in chocolate. However, most commercial chocolate products are heavily processed to remove flavanols, as they can impart a bitter taste. For this reason, dark chocolate is usually higher in flavanols than milk or white chocolate. Unfortunately, this isn’t license to reach for your favorite candy bar or ice cream made with dark chocolate. These products usually contain other ingredients that add extra fat and calories, which can lead to weight gain – not good for the heart! Look for individually-wrapped, single-serving products that contain at least 60% cocoa (e.g. Dove Dark Chocolate Promises, Hershey’s Extra Dark Squares, Ghirardhelli 60% Cacao Squares) to satisfy your craving and get the benefits of flavanols without exceeding your calorie budget.
So go ahead –enjoy those traditional Valentine’s Day foods in moderation. Your heart will thank you!

Thanks to guest blogger, Leia Kedem, University of Houston Dietetic Intern.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Go Red for American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month, and tomorrow, Friday, February 4th, has been dubbed National Wear Red Day by the American Heart Association to raise awareness of heart disease. But you can “go red” any day of the week – adding crimson-hued foods to your diet can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and give your meal a jolt of colorful energy. Red compounds found in foods can act as antioxidants, preventing CVD by reducing cellular damage and protecting cholesterol from oxidation, which is a major cause of CVD.
Lycopene is a reddish pigment found in many plant foods, such as tomatoes, watermelon, papaya, guava, and grapefruit. One study conducted at the Harvard School of Medicine found that women with the highest levels of lycopene in the blood had a 33% lower risk of heart disease! (Read the abstract) Interestingly, a recent study found that consuming tomato powder was more protective against LDL oxidation in rats than a lycopene supplement. (Read the abstract.) This research suggests that lycopene may work in concert with other food components to increase its antioxidant power. Thus, whole food sources of lycopene are better than supplements.  Reap even more benefits by including a little bit of fat with your meal to boost lycopene absorption.
·    Have half of a fresh pink or red grapefruit at breakfast – include lowfat dairy to round out the meal.
·    Snack on a cup of refreshing watermelon,  papaya, or guava with a handful of nuts.
·    Throw together a light lunch of fresh sliced tomato, mozzarella cheese, and basil dressed with olive oil and vinegar.
·    Cooked tomato products such as tomato paste, marinara sauce, and ketchup, are even higher in lycopene than fresh tomatoes. Try drizzling some olive oil over spaghetti marinara.
Anthocyanins are another type of pigment that can give foods reddish, purple, and blue tones. These compounds have been shown to reduce cardiovascular oxidative stress and inflammation as well as improve abnormal blood lipids (Read the abstract).
·    Try adding fresh raspberries or strawberries to cereal in the morning.
·    Grab a cup of red grapes or fresh cherries for a snack.
·    Add red/purple cabbage to salads for color and taste, then add crunch and zests with red radishes.
·    Incorporate anthocyanins into desserts! Make a tasty parfait by sprinkling a small handful of dried cranberries over lowfat yogurt and granola.

What’s your favorite red food?

(Thanks to Leia Kedem, University of Houston Dietetic Intern, for researching and writing this topic.)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Omega-3s and My Brain

As my body ages and I enter “senior” status, I have become conscious of every name I can’t remember and every item I misplace and wonder if my brain is losing some of its function. You may be having the same concerns.
                To make sure my brain functions properly, I am striving to include omega-3 fatty acids in my diet by sprinkling ground flaxseeds onto my yogurt every morning and cooking or ordering salmon whenever possible. Ground flaxseeds can be sprinkled in everything from soups to sauces to meatloaf and included in baking recipes for breads, muffins, and even cookies. Hodgson Mill Milled Flaxseed is a good brand and it even comes in Travel Packs.
  While the positive effect of 0mega-3s and cardiovascular disease is well documented, you may not know that research continually shows individuals with a higher intake of omega-3s display fewer symptoms of dementia and score better on cognitive function tests.  The most effective fatty acid for dementia prevention is Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid which is the most abundant in brain tissue and the central nervous system.  When comparing the population, older adults who have higher amounts of DHA had a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s or impaired cognitive function.
Exactly how omega-3s provide this protective effect is still a subject of debate.  One theory suggests that omega-3s support glucose tolerance in the brain.  Another theory builds off DHA’s effect on the developing brain in children.  It believes DHA continues to provide support and function of neurons in the brain.  Still another theory believes it is omega-3s anti-inflammatory effects that protect the brain’s function. 
           While the mechanism has yet to be identified, it is evident that omega-3s have a vital role in health and it is important to consume a variety of foods containing omega-3s. The January 2011 issue of Supermarket Savvy provides more information on omega-3s and reviews food and beverages that contain omega-3s such as Smart Balance Heart Right Milk, Sara Lee Soft  Smooth Plus Bread, Planter’s NUT-rition Omega-3 Mix, and DeBoles Rice Plus Flax Pasta .  

Click here to learn more about SUPERMARKET SAVVY Newsletter.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2011 Food & Health Trends & Predictions--Not a Sweet Future

This past year we saw an update of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines with a lifestyle approach that focuses on a total diet that is energy balanced and nutrient dense. The first Action item listed is to reduce the incidence and prevalence of overweight and obesity of the US population by reducing overall calorie intake and increasing physical activity.
To do this the emphasis will be on reducing the intake of foods containing added sugars and solid fats. The food industry will be encouraged to offer health-promoting foods that are limited in added sugars and refined grains and served in smaller portions.
Another concern is the rising incidence of diabetes both in adults and children. According to a report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of American adults with diabetes could double or triple by 2050 if current trends continue. This prediction is really depressing when you consider the growing number of children who already have the condition, once described as adult onset diabetes. To help control this trend, obesity in children will be a major focus this year and sugar a major target.
The food industry calls this a “quiet reduction” as sugar, especially high fructose corn syrups (HFCS) are covertly eliminated from foods and beverages. Consumer Packaged Goods says that as the media continues to demonize HFCS, what may start as a “quiet reduction” is likely to end up as a key labeling issue, in the same way “trans fat-free” has become the norm. Unfortunately, although no research has confirmed that HFCS is the cause of obesity and diabetes, the public perception is that it is the culprit. The bottom line is that our energy balance is off and sugar calories are adding to the imbalance.

Mintel predicts we’ll see sugar and stevia used in conjunction to achieve an overall lower sugar content in new products. Look for messages on labels that say “naturally sweetened” or “reduced sugar.”
Examples of food companies that are reducing the sugar in their products quietly is General Mills that announced they will lower the amount of sugar in their children’s breakfast cereals to no more than 10 grams per serving from 11 grams a year ago. General Mills, which also sells Progresso soup and Yoplait yogurt, said it must reduce sugar in tiny, incremental steps, lest consumers notice the difference and stop buying their products. I must commend General Mills for taking out the sugar and not substituting natural sugar with an artificial alternative. Examples of General Mills cereals with lower sugar are Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs and Trix. Their goal is to get to a single digit level of sugar in all cereals advertised to children under 12.                                
SS Pick for 2010 Best New Product
Apples & Eve Fruitables Fruit/Vegetable Juice
In a colorful and appealing package, the wording states that there are no added sugars, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors or artificial preservatives. The nutrition for one serving of Fruitables, 6.75 fl oz, is 70 calories, 0 fat, 10 mg sodium and 15 mg carbs, 9 g sugars. Apple & Eve has kept the calories (70) and sugars (9 g) low compared to other fruit juices (1 cup grape juice-150 cal, 24 g sugars; 1 cup pineapple juice-130 calories, 25 g sugars; 1 cup apple juice-115 cal, 24 g sugars) by diluting their fruit-veg blends with filtered water. As consumed, Fruitables are 66% juice.
There is a real lesson for kids here if they read the ingredient list because surprises abound: orange, yellow and purple carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and beets – yes, beets – are all part of the yummy flavors. Rounding out the ingredients, depending on flavor, are more familiar favorites like raspberries, strawberries, kiwis and pears. This item comes in an 8-pack of juice boxes or a 46-oz, family friendly bottle, depending on flavor. For the youngest kids, there is a 4.23 fl oz juice box in apple-carrot flavor with a Sesame Street theme. Berry-berry, tropical orange and strawberry-kiwi flavors are healthy for kids whether in their school lunchbox or chilled in a cooler at soccer or ballet practice.
Is the food industry doing enough to lower the sugar in foods and beverages?
Do you think HFCS should be eliminated from food and beverage products?

Monday, January 10, 2011

January is National Oatmeal Month

January has been deemed National Oatmeal Month for the simple reason that more oatmeal is consumed during this time than during any other month. It makes sense since January is a month of cooler-or down right freezing- temperatures depending on location, making us long for foods to warm us up, as well as a month of new beginnings which tend to consist of resolutions to lose weight or lower LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol – both of which oatmeal is helpful in doing! Other health benefits of oatmeal include: control of blood glucose levels, reduced risk of certain cancers, and perhaps even reduced blood pressure.

Typically oatmeal is thought of as a breakfast food, but it can certainly be incorporated in to other meals as well. In honor of National Oatmeal Month branch out from the typical breakfast of oatmeal with fruit, raisins, and brown sugar and try out one of these unique ways to incorporate oatmeal at lunch and dinner!

1.   Substitute oatmeal for rice in stir-frys, gumbo, casseroles, etc. Think of all of the time that will be saved on meal preparation since you will not have to wait 30-45 minutes for rice to simmer!
2.   Use in place of breadcrumbs in meatballs and meatloaf. This will make your meal healthier and change up the texture of your meatballs – in a surprising, yet pleasing way.
3.   Oatmeal crusted chicken, tilapia, eggplant, etc.
4.   When making pie crusts, substitute oatmeal for half of the flour.

Are you always on the run and bored with the same old instant oatmeal flavors? Quaker recently released its newest addition, Hearty Medleys, to their already solid oatmeal line-up. Currently available in two flavors: Banana Walnut and Apple Cranberry Almond, they will certainly help reawaken your love of oatmeal.

Check out some great oatmeal recipes at Find articles and tip sheets on how oatmeal can help with weight control, diabetes management, heart health, and general wellbeing at  

Tanya Halliday, University of Houston Dietetic Intern, is the guest author for this article.