Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shopping Help for Men in Aprons

Men in Aprons is the #2 trend featured as one of the Ten Food Trends for 2011 on the Food Channel. They credit this trend to a gender role reversal due to a slumping economy. With men hitting the supermarket aisles, we decided to focus on Men and Health for the February SUPERMARKET SAVVY Newsletter.

Grocery shopping, slicing and dicing, proper portioning…these are all steps to a healthy diet, but ones that take time and patience, ones that most men find tedious and unfavorable. Research focused on the eating and dieting differences in men and women describe men’s approach to nutrition as uncomplicated and pleasure orientated; one which is straightforward. (Read research)  This creates a challenge.  Of the common concerns which face men – fruit and vegetable consumption, excessive protein intake, prostate cancer, and osteoporosis – changes in diet and preparation methods can play a crucial role. 

According to Palo Alto Medical Foundation (2010), men consume only about four and a half servings of fruits and vegetables a day on average.  Considering four, of the top ten, leading causes of death are directly associated with diet, this is a concern that must be addressed.  The risk for these four conditions – heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes – are thought to decrease with an overall healthy diet; a diet which includes five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables, whole grains,  and minimal amounts of saturated fat and processed foods.  The Palo Alto Medical Foundation (2010) also found that “men are significantly less likely than women to recognize the health benefits of fruits and vegetables.”  Given the previously stated information, it is important that we work toward increasing awareness and interest in fruit and vegetable consumption among the male population.

In our recent newsletter you will find food items targeted toward men and ideal for quick and healthy meal preparation.  One of the feature items includes V8 V-Fusion + Tea, which supplies ¼ cup serving vegetables and ¼ cup serving fruit in an 8 oz serving, adding up to one combined serving of vegetables and fruit.
Read more about Men and Health with Shopping Tips for Men and a review of Margarines and Spreads with a 2 page comparison chart and SUPERMARKET SAVVY Picks for the Healthiest Spreads in the February SUPERMARKET SAVVY Newsletter. Learn More

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